Following mail with questions have been sent to the Swedish Näringsdepartementet, Statens haverikommission, svenska Sjöfartsinspektionen and the Finnish AIB.
Links to pictures from a. o. the latest divings at bottom of this mail.
Mona Sahlin
Ann-Louise Eksborg
Kari Lehtola
Johan Franson
Dear Mona, Ann-Louise, Kari and Johan,
We have found that diving activities has taken place after June 1996 but before the summer 2000 at the ship wreck of MV Estonia. We would like to have your explanation regarding this activities. Enclosed our report with link to the picture evidence.
Videos 1994 and 1996
Has the ramp been opened and closed by the Swedish or Finnish authorities or by a third party?
Why has this been done?
and at the specific picture
Please confirm the reception of this letter with the due day book number (diarienummer). Awaiting your earliest response.
Johan Ridderstolpe and Björn Stenberg
The Independent Fact Group
Brevet på svenskaM/S ESTONIA
S Ä N K T ¿